n21 says thanks to mur.at
n21 is honoured to be part of this
extraordinary network of artists, scientists, musicians, technicians and other crazy folks!

n21 is parent of
bakadayo.mur.at ------ famous idiots
stroblak.mur.at ------ Concertante mini performances
eigenroth.mur.at ------ literature
freie-kunstszene-graz.mur.at ------ performance
extofita.mur.at ------ music
remi.mur.at ------ videoart
hurennoise.mur.at ------ performance
opengates.mur.at ------ performance
sumpfhahn.mur.at ------ artgallery
ansvandervleuten.mur.at ------ art
comics.tonto.at ------ comics
stukahmagazine.mur.at ------ comics

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n21 is running on gnu/linux - debian         n21 is managed by renatn
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n21 thinks its as easy as a 2nd skin